Thinking of selling your houseThinking of selling your house?

Here are some inside secrets from real estate professionals that will get your home off the market faster than you can think of.

1. Improve Your Curb Appeal
You are probably familiar with the expression: First impression last longer. Oh Yes, this is also important when it comes to getting a house sold fast. In other words, what will a potential buyer think of your home as he drives to your property for the first time?

2. Know Your Home’s Selling Point
This is a very crucial point to consider in getting your house off the market as early as possible. In a bid to sell your house fast, you should know what makes your house stand out. I am sure you will agree with me that every home is unique in its own way.

3. Depersonalize Your House
Try not to take it too personal. We know that you have a lot of history and memories in the house. But if you desire to get it sold as soon as possible, it is time to depersonalize it. Depersonalizing the house means you are getting it ready to prospective buyers. You could do this by removing family photos, collectibles, etc. Remember, you want your prospective buyer to feel welcomed and imagine themselves and their family in your house not yours.

4. Avoid Bad Odors
Little things could turn off prospective buyers. In other words, bad smells could also sabotage your effort of getting your house sold. As much as possible, try and fix the source of every bad odour by

  • Clearing drains and wash bins
  • Allowing enough ventilation
  • Get rid of old cooking smell in the kitchen
  • Have the carpet cleaned – possibly through available carpet cleaning services
  • Remove old furniture etc.

5. Offer reasonable Price
Choosing the right price is one of the factors that determine how fast your house gets sold.

This is where a real estate agent comes in.

Many people like to bypass the realtor believing it would save money in the long run. This is not usually true always as a good realtor will save you time and money. There are several values in getting a realtor. Setting the appropriate and reasonable price is one of them.