Home Staging

Home staging to sell your houseHome Staging is such an important part of selling your home. It is sometimes overlooked and the results are not favourable when this happens!

What is Home Staging?
Home Staging is the art of creating moods within the home, it is about the creation of illusions.
Staging gives your home the appearance of being; bigger, brighter, more expansive all done through correct placement of furniture, correct size of pieces,  use of colour and lighting as well as use of scent and smell.  Home Staging is what is done to the home once the ” fix it’s ” and the reno’s have been completed…. it is the lipstick and mascara that frames the face.

What does a Home Stager do?
The artistic Home Stager will bring with them a variety of ” tools ” within their kit,  they will also use what is already there in the home and give it a fresh new look by recreating it’s purpose or finding a different placement for it.

What do I have to do?
Leave everything up to me!